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+36-70/9406135 | kapcsolat@archery.hu            

Kassai Lajos: Horseback Archery

Kassai Lajos: Horseback Archery
Kassai Lajos: Horseback Archery
Auf Lager 9 Stk
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The book describes the birth of the horse archery sport, based on the experiences of the father of the sport, Lajos Kassai, as he experienced the transformation of passion into a sport and a martial art through his own path-finding.
It is recommended reading for all tradition-loving, nature-loving, sports-loving, archery-loving or active archers.
Fragen zum Artikel
"Fundamentally, there are two types of people, the questioning person and the answering person. The questioning person is the person who is constantly searching, wanting to experience and learn. The answering person says that his religion has already given the answer to everything and retreats to the rites corresponding to his faith. My my life seemed to contain both. I wanted to try everything, and I said that only fools want to learn at the expense of others, and there is nothing more important than individual experience. Knowledge is the only treasure that cannot be taken from us, and it is also the most aristocratic thing in life. in the world. Now that I have reached the middle of my life, I have come to a sunny clearing, leaving behind me the torturous jungle of questions and desires. There is much more acceptance than wanting to change in me. Horse archery, which once flew through space and time on a sleigh, now it's more like a rite for me, giving a framework to my everyday life, to me, it means science, art and religion at the same time. I tried to rely on common sense or to learn as much as possible about this activity, and then to present it artistically to the best of my abilities, and by the time I got to this point, I noticed that it had become my faith."
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