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+36-70/9406135 | kapcsolat@archery.hu            

Keychain - Leather - Mini Tarsoly

Keychain - Leather - Mini Tarsoly
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Keychain - Leather - Mini Tarsoly
Keychain - Leather - Mini Tarsoly
Keychain - Leather - Mini Tarsoly
1 300 Ft
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Size: 5x5 cm

This product is the perfect choice for those who love unique, handcrafted products and those that carry traditions. The key ring tarsoly is made of leather and is the result of 100% Hungarian craftsmanship, so we can guarantee that it is made of high-quality materials with great care and attention.

The key ring can be a perfect gift for friends, family members or even yourself. If you want to surprise someone with a special, Hungarian handicraft product, then our key ring is the perfect choice.
tarsoly (plural tarsolyok) (archaic) scrip, satchel, musette (a small leather bag with a shoulder strap) (historical) sabretache (a leather pocket or pouch worn hanging from a cavalry officer's belt) (rare) purse, bag, handbag.
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