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+36-70/9406135 | kapcsolat@archery.hu            

Arcus Basic I. straight armguard

Arcus Basic I. straight armguard
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Arcus Basic I. straight armguard
Arcus Basic I. straight armguard
Arcus Basic I. straight armguard
In stock
Black: pcs
Brown: pcs
5 600 Ft
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19×18/15 cm. Black or brown.
Grained surface, strong leather design. It is reinforced with a stitched pattern. A rubber band is attached to one edge, and clips are placed on the other edge. In this way, it can be easily attached and adjusted according to size. Material: cowhide.
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Leather- Single layer - Tab
Leather- Single layer - Tab
1 900 Ft
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Cowhide - Spacer - tab (finger guard)
Cowhide - Spacer - tab (finger guard)
Cowhide - Spacer - tab (finger guard)
4 700 Ft
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When using a stronger bow, the speed of the string at the moment of the shot can be up to 150-200 km/h. If it hits our forearm, it can really hurt. The fault in holding the arm is responsible for the blow. The archer either gets rid of this, or buys an armguard...
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