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+36-70/9406135 | kapcsolat@archery.hu            

Váci - Basic Hand Graven Armguard

Váci - Basic Hand Graven Armguard
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Váci - Basic Hand Graven Armguard
Váci - Basic Hand Graven Armguard
Váci - Basic Hand Graven Armguard
In stock
Wolf: pcs
Ló: pcs
7 500 Ft
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SIze: 17×20/16 cm.
The Váci Handmade leather product characteristic rust brown shade. It is decorated with a handmade graven pattern. It is closed with a strap and clips. Abundance can be regulated.
When using a stronger bow, the speed of the string at the moment of the shot can be up to 150-200 km/h. If it hits our forearm, it can really hurt. The fault in holding the arm is responsible for the blow. The archer either gets rid of this, or buys an armguard...
Rust brown. Available patterns: Wolf, Rakamazi turul, Scythian turul, horse head, deer.
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